
Is Centralization the Enemy to Fair Insurance?- Ahmad Imira

May 21, 2024 Takadao Season 2 Episode 5

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Summary(Season 2, Ep5):

Leila and Ahmad discuss the importance of life insurance and the challenges in selling it. They compare conventional insurance, which has high costs and centralized control, to Takasure, a decentralized and transparent community-based fund. Takasure, owned by its members, uses smart contracts and algorithms to process claims and offers a fairer, cooperative insurance model.

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  • Life insurance is the most important insurance as it provides a safety net for individuals and their families.
  • There is a fear towards insurance due to concerns about the trustworthiness of insurance companies and the complexity of insurance policies.
  • The accessibility of insurance can be limited in certain areas, particularly if it is not economically viable for insurance companies.
  • Claims management in conventional insurance is centralized and can involve conflicts of interest.
  • Takasure is a decentralized and transparent alternative to conventional insurance.
  • Takasure is a community-based fund that uses smart contracts and algorithms to calculate and approve claims.
  • Takasure is owned by its members, who receive a benefit multiplier on their contributions and share in any surplus of the fund.

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