
Is Crypto Empowering the Unbanked or Widening the Gap?- Aram Mughalyan

Takadao Season 2 Episode 2

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Summary ( Season 2, Ep 2):

Aram talks about how traditional banks can be tough for small businesses and people, especially in poorer countries. He had a tough time getting a bank account for his business and thinks everyone should be able to use banks easily. So, he's all for crypto because it can help people who can't use traditional banks. It's like having control over your money without all the bank fuss!


  • Traditional banks make it hard for small businesses and regular people to get banking services, especially in poorer countries.
  • Banks mostly care about making money, so they often ignore people who don't have much of it.
  • Crypto is a money system that anyone can use, without needing a bank. That's good news for people who can't use traditional banks.
  • The limitations and restrictions imposed by banks highlight the need for a more transparent and accessible financial system.
  • Web3 and blockchain technology lets everyone have a say and make decisions together. So, it's like money and power for everyone, not just the big shots.

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