
Can Community-Owned Mutual Protection Funds Transform Insurance?- Sharene Lee

Takadao Season 2 Episode 9

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Summary(Season 2, Ep9):

Leila and Sharene Lee discuss Takasure, a community-owned mutual protection fund using technology to offer alternative insurance by enhancing transparency and inclusivity. Inspired by the 2008 financial crisis and the need for trustworthy alternatives, Takasure uses smart contracts for Sharia-compliant, self-adjusting mutual protection funds. Takadao, the platform behind it, charges a 20% fee, with the remaining funds belonging to the members.

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  • Takasure is a community-owned insurance fund changing the way insurance works.
  • The 2008 financial crisis made people distrust big, centralized institutions.
  • Community involvement and technology help create a fairer and more open financial system.